About us
いまの仕事は、 その思いに一番近いような気がします。
美術品を売買することだけにとどまらず、美をテーマにして ワクワクするような体験を、皆様ににご提案したいと考えます。
「豊かさ」 「美しさ」 「楽しさ」 を掘り戻して、
暮らしに輝きを添えるお手伝いが、 私の仕事だと信じています。
It was probably when I was a high school student hitchhiking on the road.
I had a vague idea about my future job.
I would like to connect “people’s fun” and provide them with something that would make them happy.
I feel that my current job is the closest to that desire.
I would like to offer exciting experiences to people through the theme of beauty,
not only through the buying and selling of art works.
We want to offer people an exciting experience based on the theme of beauty,
which is almost buried in our daily lives.
I believe that it is my job to help bring back the “richness,” “beauty,” and “fun”
that are buried in our daily lives and add a sparkle to our lives.